
Ping Luo

No.6 Kexueyuan South Road Zhongguancun Haidian District

Beijing, P.R.China 100190

Research Interests

Mobile: (86) 18601192631

Work: (86) 10-62600637

Email: luop@ict.ac.cn

Homepage: http://mldm.ict.ac.cn/MLDM/luoping/

Machine Learning and Data Mining: text mining, graphical models, transfer learning, deep learning, information theory

Innovative Applications: dialogue generation, text & document intelligence, behavior intelligence


Ph.D. Computer Science, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007. (Supervisor: Prof. Zhongzhi Shi)

B.S. Computer Science, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2002.


Associate Professor, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2/2014–present Senior Research Scientist & Director Assistant, Hewlett Packard Labs China, 7/2010–1/2014.

Research Scientist, Hewlett Packard Labs China, 7/2007–7/2010.

Research Assistant, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7/2002-6/2007.

Honors & Awards

Best Student Paper Award, ACM CIKM for the paper “Incorporating Occupancy into Frequent Pattern Mining for High Quality Pattern Recommendation", 2012.

Best  Paper  Candidate,  ACM  CIKM  for  the  paper  “Collaborative  Dual-PLSA:  Mining  Distinction  and Commonality across MultipleDomains for Classification", 2010.

Best Paper Candidate, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining for the paper “Exploiting Asso- ciations between Word Clusters and Document Classes for Cross-domain Text Categorization", 2010.

Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, China Computer Federation1, 2009. Student Travel Award, ACM SIGKDD, 2007.

Outstanding Graduate Student, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007. President’s Exceptional Student Award, Institute of Computing Technology, 2007.

1http://www.ccf.org.cn/web/assembly/action/browsePage.do channelID=1099963972454&contentID=1255845159314

Selected Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

1. Lei Zhang, Ping Luo, Linpeng Tang, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Min Wang,  Hui  Xiong.  “Occupancy- Based Frequent Pattern Mining". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2015.

2. Gensheng Zhang, Chengkai Li, Ping Luo, Xiao Jiang, Min Wang. “Discovering General Prominent Streaks in Sequence Data". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2014.

3. Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, Zhiyong Shen, Qing He, Yuhong Xiong, Zhongzhi Shi, Hui Xiong. “Min-  ing Distinction and Commonality across Multiple Domains Using Generative Model for Text Classi- fication". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24(11): 2025-2039, 2012.

4. Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, Hui Xiong, Yuhong Xiong, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. “Cross-Domain Learning from Multiple Sources: A Consensus Regularization Perspective". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 22(12): 1664-1678, 2010.

5. Ping Luo, Hui Xiong, Guoxing Zhan, Junjie Wu, Zhongzhi Shi. “Information-Theoretic Distance Measures for Clustering Validation: Generalization and Normalization". IEEE Transactions on Knowl- edge and Data Engineering 21(9): 1249-1262, 2009.

6. Ping  Luo,  Guoxing  Zhan,  Qing  He,  Zhongzhi  Shi,  Kevin  Lu¨.   “On  Defining  Partition  Entropy  by Inequalities". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(9): 3233-3239, 2007.

Refereed Conference Papers

1. Juncen Li, Ping Luo, Ganbin Zhou, Fen Lin, Cheng Niu. “Adaboost with Auto-Evaluation for Con- versational Models". In Proceedings of the 27nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018.

2. Yixuan Cao, Hongwei Li, Ping Luo, Jiaquan Yao. “Towards Automatic Numerical Cross-Checking: Extracting Formulas from Text". In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 2018.

3. Ganbin Zhou, Ping Luo, et al. “Elastic Responding Machine for Dialog Generation with Dynamically Mechanism Selecting". In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018.

4. Ganbin Zhou, Ping Luo, et al. “Tree-Structured Neural Machine for Linguistics-Aware Sentence Generation". In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018.

5. Ganbin Zhou, Ping Luo, Rongyu Cao, Fen Lin, Bo Chen, Qing He. “Mechanism-Aware Neural Machine for Dialogue Response Generation". In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2017.

6. Peifeng Yin, Ping Luo, Taiga Nakamura. “Small Batch or Large Batch   Gaussian Walk  with Rebound  Can Teach". In Proceedings of the 23th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2017.

7. Ping Luo, Su Yan, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiyong Shen, Shengwen Yang, Qing He.  “From Online Behaviors  to Offline Retailing". In Proceedings of the 22th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2016.

8. Ping Luo, Ganbin Zhou, Jiaxi Tang, Rui Chen, Zhongjie Yu, Qing He. “Browsing Regularities in Hedonic Content Systems". In Proceedings of the 25nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intel- ligence (IJCAI), 2016.

9. Xiang Ao, Ping Luo, Chengkai Li , Fuzhen Zhuang, Qing He.  “Online Frequent Episode Mining".      In Proceedings of the IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015.

10. Peifeng Yin, Ping Luo, Wang-Chien Lee, Min Wang. “Silence is also evidence: Interpreting dwell time for recommendation from Psychological Perspective". In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2013.

11. Wei Shen, Jianyong Wang, Ping Luo, Min Wang. “Linking Named Entities in Tweets with Knowledge Base via User Interest Modeling". In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2013.

12. Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, Peifeng Yin, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. “Concept Learning for  Cross- domain Text Classification: a General Probabilistic Framework". In Proceedings of the 23nd Interna- tional Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2013.

13. Peifeng Yin, Ping Luo, Wang-Chien Lee, Min Wang. “App Recommendation: A Contest between Satisfaction and Temptation". In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2013.

14. Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, Changying Du, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. “Triplex Transfer Learning: Exploiting both Shared and Distinct Concepts for Text Classification". In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2013.

15. Linpeng Tang, Lei Zhang, Ping Luo, Min Wang. “Incorporating Occupancy into Frequent Pattern Mining for High Quality Pattern Recommendation". In Proceedings of the 21th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2012. (Best Student Paper)

16. Lei Zhang, Linpeng Tang, Ping Luo, Enhong Chen, Limei Jiao, Min Wang, Guiquan Liu. “Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowds for Accurate Web Page Clipping". In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2012.

17. Wei Shen, Jianyong Wang, Ping Luo, Min Wang. “LIEGE: Link Entities in Web Lists with Knowledge Base". In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2012.

18. Peifeng Yin, Ping Luo, Min Wang, Wang-Chien Lee. “A Straw Shows Which Way the Wind Blows: Ranking Potentially Popular Items from Early Votes". In Proceedings of the 5th International Confer- ence on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2012.

19. Xiao Jiang, Chengkai Li, Ping Luo, Min Wang, Yong Yu. “Prominent Streak Discovery in Sequence Data". In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2011.

20. Xudong Ma, Ping Luo, Fuzhen Zhuang, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi, Zhiyong Shen. “Combining Super- vised and Unsupervised Models via Unconstrained Probabilistic Embedding". In Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2011.

21. Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, Zhiyong Shen, Qing He, Yuhong Xiong, Zhongzhi Shi, Hui Xiong. “Col- laborative Dual-PLSA: Mining Distinction and Commonality across MultipleDomains for Classifica- tion". In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2010. (Best Paper Candidate)

22. Fuzhen Zhuang, Ping Luo, Hui Xiong, Qing He, Yuhong Xiong, Zhongzhi Shi. “Exploiting As- sociations between Word Clusters and Document Classes for Cross-domain Text  Categorization".  In Proceedings of the 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2010. (Best Paper Candidate)

23. Ping Luo, Fen Lin, Yuhong Xiong, Yong Zhao, Zhongzhi Shi. “Towards Combining Web Classifica- tion and Web Information Extraction: a Case Study". In Proceedings of the ACM 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2009.

24. Ping Luo,  Fuzhen Zhuang,  Hui Xiong,  Yuhong  Xiong,  Qing He.  “Transfer Learning from Multi-  ple Source Domains via Consensus Regularization". In Proceedings of the ACM 17th Conference on information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2008.

25. Ping Luo, Hui Xiong, Kevin Lu¨, Zhongzhi Shi.  “Distributed Classification in Peer-to-Peer Network- s". In Proceedings of the ACM 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2007.

Professional Activities

Conference Organizers

Poster Chair, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2013

Poster Chair, ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KD- D), 2012

Program Committees


Journal Review

Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Big Data

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal Knowledge and Information Systems

Information Sciences

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Journal China Science Bulletin

Supervisory Experience

Supervisor at Institute of Computing Technology, CAS
