
1 . 王竹晓, 胡宏, 陈立民, 史忠植. . 动态描述逻辑推理的并行计算技术 . 计算机研究与发展, vol.48, no.12, pp.2317-2325, 2011 .

2 . Lijuan Duan, Chunpeng Wu, Jun Miao, Alan C. Bovik . Visual Conspicuity Index: Spatial Dissimilarity, Distance, and Central Bias . IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.18, no.11, pp.690-693, Nov.2011 .

3 . Qi Liao,Changning Liu,Xiongying Yuan,Shuli Kang,Ruoyu Miao,Hui Xiao,Guoguang Zhao,Haitao Luo,Dechao Bu,Haitao Zhao,Geir Skogerbø,Zhongdao Wu, Yi Zhao . Large-scale prediction of long non-coding RNA functions in a coding–non-coding gene co-expression network . Nucleic Acids Research, vol.39, no.9, pp.864-3878, 2011 .

4 . Qi Liao,Hui Xiao,Dechao Bu,Chaoyong Xie,Ruoyu Miao,Haitao Luo,Guoguang Zhao,Kuntao Yu,Haitao Zhao,Geir Skogerbø,Runsheng Chen,Zhongdao Wu,Changning Liu,Yi Zhao . ncFANs: a web server for functional annotation of long non-coding RNAs . Nucleic Acids Research,Nucleic acids research, vol.39, suppl 2, pp.W118-W124, 2011 .

5 . Yan Fu, Li-Yun Xiu, Wei Jia, Ding Ye, Rui-Xiang Sun, Xiao-Hong Qian, Si-Min He . DeltAMT: a statistical algorithm for fast detection of protein modifications from LC-MS/MS data . Molecular & Cellular Proteomics,10(5) :M110.000455,2011 .

6 . Fang Fang, Laiyun Qing, Chongxiu Wang, Jun Miao, Xilin Chen,Wen Gao . Attention Driven Face Recognition: Learning from Human Vision System . International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol.8, no.5, pp.8-13, Sept.2011 .

7 . Hai Zhuge, Bei Xu . Basic operations, completeness and dynamicity of cyber physical socio semantic link network CPSocio-SLN . Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol.23, no.9, pp.924-939, 2011 .

8 . Hai Zhuge, Junsheng Zhang . Automatically constructing semantic link network on documents . Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol.23, no.9, pp.956-971, 2011 .

9 . Ruiping Wang,Shiguang Shan,Xilin Chen,Jie Chen,Wen Gao . Maximal Linear Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.33, no.9, pp.1776-1792, Sept.2011 .

10 . Shiliang Zhang, Qi. Tian, Gang Hua, Qingming Huang, Wen Gao . Generating Descriptive Visual Words and Visual Phrases for Large-Scale Image Applications . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.20, no.9, pp.2664-2677, Sept.2011 .

11 . Wang Xiaofeng, Yue Kun,Niu Wenjia,Shi Zhongzhi . An approach for adaptive associative classification . Expert Systems with Applications, vol.38, no.9, pp.11873-11883, 2011 .

12 . Hai Zhuge . Semantic linking through spaces for cyber-physical-socio intelligence: A methodology . Artificial Intelligence, vol.175, pp.988-1019, 2011 .

13 . Li Zhixin,Shi Zhiping,Liu Xi,Shi Zhongzhi . Modeling continuous visual features for semantic image annotation and retrieval . Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.32,no.3, pp.516-523, 2011 .

14 . Liao Q, Yuan X, Xiao H, Liu C, Lv Z, Zhao Y, Wu Z . Identifying Schistosoma japonicum Excretory/Secretory Proteins and Their Interactions with Host Immune System . PLos One,DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0023786, 2011 .

15 . Qing He, Changying Du, Qun Wang, FuzhenZhuang, Zhongzhi Shi . A Parallel Incremental Extreme SVM Classifier . Neurocomputing,vol.74, pp.2532–2540, 2011 .

16 . Shao M, Wang S, Wang C, Yuan X, Li SC, Zheng W, Bu D. . Incorporating Ab Initio Energy into Threading Approaches for Protein Structure Prediction . BMC Bioinformatics ,12(Suppl 1):S54,2011 .

17 . Xinzheng Xu, Shifei Ding, Zhongzhi Shi, Hong Zhu, Zuopeng Zhao . Particle Swarm Optimization for Automatic Parameters Determination of Pulse Coupled Neural Network . Journal of Computers, vol.6, no.8, pp.1546-1553, 2011 .

18 . 常亮, 史忠植, 古天龙, 王晓峰. . 可判定的时序动态描述逻辑 . 软件学报, vol.22, no.7, pp.1524-1537, 2011 .

19 . 谭庆,何清,史忠植 . 基于进化规划的FCMBP模糊聚类改进方法 . 系统工程理论与实践,vol.31, no.7, pp.1363-1371, 2011 .

20 . He Qing; Zhao, Weizhong; Shi, Zhongzhi . CHSMST: A clustering algorithm based on hyper surface and minimum spanning tree . Soft Computing, vol.5, no.6, pp.1097-1103, 2011 .

21 . 万长林, 史忠植, 胡宏, 张大鹏. . 基于本体的语义Web服务QoS描述和发现 . 计算机研究与发展, vol.48, no.6, pp.1059-1066, 2011 .

22 . 刘群 . 基于句法的统计机器翻译模型与方法 . 中文信息学报, no.6, pp.63-71, 2011 .

23 . Junbiao Pang, Qingming Huang, Shuicheng Yan, Shuqiang Jiang, Lei Qin . Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene Adaptiveness . IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, vol.20, no.5, pp.1388-1400, May.2011 .

24 . Qing He, Weizhong Zhao, Zhongzhi Shi . CHSMST: a clustering algorithm based on hyper surface and minimum spanning tree . Soft Computing, vol.15, no.6, pp.1097-1103, 2011 .

25 . Wenjia Niu, Gang Li, Hui Tang, Xu Zhou, Zhongzhi Shi . CARSA: A context-aware reasoning-based service agent model for AI planning of web service composition . Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol.34, no.5, pp.1757-1770, 2011 .

26 . 姜文斌,吴金星,长青,那顺乌日图,刘群,赵理莉 . 蒙古语词法分析的有向图模型 . 中文信息学报,no.5, pp.95-101, 2011 .

27 . 罗文娟, 马慧芳, 何清, 史忠植 . 权衡熵和相关度的自动摘要技术研究 . 中文信息学报, vol.25, no.5, pp.9-16, 2011 .

28 . Tan Qing,He Qing,Zhao Weizhong, Shi Zhongzhi, Lee E.S. . An improved FCMBP fuzzy clustering method based on evolutionary programming . Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol.61, no.4, pp.1129-1144, 2011 .

29 . Wang Xiaofeng, Yue Kun,Niu Wenjia,Shi Zhongzhi . An approach for adaptive associative classification . Expert Systems with Applications, vol.38, no.9, pp.11873-11883, 2011 .

30 . 刘凯,乌日力嘎,斯钦图,姜文斌,刘群 . 基于双语约束的蒙古语无监督依存分析 . 中文信息学报,no.4, pp.24-29, 2011 .

31 . 姜文斌,吴金星,乌日力嘎,那顺乌日图,刘群 . 蒙古语有向图形态分析器的判别式词干词缀切分 . 中文信息学报,no.4, pp.30-34, 2011 .

32 . 李佳正,刘凯,麦热哈巴•艾力,吕雅娟,刘群,吐尔根•依布拉音 . 维吾尔语中汉族人名的识别及翻译 . 中文信息学报,no.4, pp.82-87, 2011 .

33 . 李响,才藏太,姜文斌,吕雅娟,刘群 . 最大熵和规则相结合的藏文句子边界识别方法 . 中文信息学报,no.4, pp.39-44, 2011 .

34 . 李志欣, 施智平, 李志清, 史忠植. . 融合语义主题的图像自动标注 . 软件学报, vol.22, no.4, pp.801-812, 2011 .

35 . 王志洋,吕雅娟,刘群 . 面向形态丰富语言的多粒度翻译融合 . 中文信息学报,no.4, pp.75-81, 2011 .

36 . Chen Limin, Shi Zhongzhi . A Behavior Strategy for Agents in the Semantic Web Using Dynamic Description Logics . Information, vol.14, no.3, pp.993-998, 2011 .

37 . Shiliang Zhang, Qi Tian, Gang Hua, Wengang Zhou, Qingming Huang, Wen Gao . Modeling spatial and semantic cues for large-scale near-duplicated image retrieval . Computer Vision and Image Understanding,vol.115, no.3, pp.403-414, Mar.2011 .

38 . Xiaohua Wan,Fa Zhang, Qi Chu,Kai Zhang, Fei Sun, Bo Yuan, Zhiyong Liu . Three-dimensional Reconstruction using an Adaptive Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique in Electron Tomography . Journal of Structural Biology, 175(3) 277-287.DOI: 10.1016/jsb..06.002,2011 .

39 . 苏劲松,刘群,吕雅娟 . 一种考虑对齐不一致的短语翻译概率估计方法 . 中文信息学报,no.3,pp.118-122, 2011 .

40 . 贾伟宽, 丁世飞, 许新征, 苏春阳, 史忠植. . 基于Shannon熵的因子特征提取算法 . 模式识别与人工智能, vol.24, no.3, pp.327-331, 2011 .

41 . 郭立君, 刘曦, 赵杰煜, 史忠植. . 基于改进局部特征分布的图像分类方法 . 模式识别与人工智能, vol.24, no.3, pp.368-375, 2011 .

42 . Guang-Quan Zhang, ZhengZheng, Jie Lu, Qing He . An Algorithm for Solving Rule-Sets Based Bilevel Decision Problems . Computaticnal Intelligence, vol.27, no.2, pp.235-259, 2011 .

43 . Jinli Suo, Liang Lin,Shiguang Shan,Xilin Chen,Wen Gao . High Resolution Face Fusion for Gender Conversion . IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics (Part A) , vol.41, no.2, pp.226-237, Mar.2011 .

44 . Zhongzhi Shi, Xiaofeng Wang, Jinpeng Yue . Cognitive Cycle in Mind Model CAM . International Journal of Intelligence Science, vol.1, no.2, pp.25-34, 2011 .

45 . 孙萌,姚建民,吕雅娟,姜文斌,刘群 . 基于最大熵短语重排序模型的特征抽取算法改进 . 中文信息学报,no.2, pp.78-82, 2011 .

46 . 李响,徐金安,姜文斌,吕雅娟,刘群 . 面向移动终端的统计机器翻译解码定点化方法 . 中文信息学报,no.2, pp.61-65, 2011 .

47 . 涂兆鹏,刘群,林守勋 . 利用依存限制抽取长距离调序规则 . 中文信息学报,no.2, pp.55-60, 2001 .

48 . 熊皓,刘洋,刘群 . 模糊匹配在树到串翻译模型中的应用 . 中文信息学报,no.2,pp.66-71, 2011 .

49 . Jing Zhou, Nor Aniza Abdullah, Zhongzhi Shi . A Hybrid P2P Approach to Service Discovery in the Cloud . International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, vol.3, no.1, pp.1-9, 2011 .

50 . Lijuan Duan, Chunpeng Wu, Faming Fang, Jun Miao, Yuanhua Qiao, Jian Li . Visual Attention Shift based on Image Segmentation Using Neurodynamic System . International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 8, no.1, pp.81-86, Jan.2011 .

51 . Niu Wenjia, Li Gang, Zhao Zhijun,Tang Hui, Shi Zhongzhi . Multi-granularity context model for dynamic Web service composition . Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol.34, no.1, pp.312-326, 2011 .

52 . Qi Dong, Zhongzhi Shi . A Research on Introspective Learning Based on CBR . International Journal of Advanced Intelligence,vol.3, no.1, pp.147-157, 2011 .

53 . Qiao Y, Zhang H, Bu D, Sun S . PI: An open-source software package for validation of the SEQUEST result and visualization of mass spectrum . BMC bioinformatics. vol.12, no.1, pp.234, 2011 .

54 . Zhang S, Wang Y, Bu D, Zhang H, Sun S. . ProbPS: A new model for peak selection based on quantifying the dependence of the existence of derivative peaks on primary ion intensity . BMC bioinformatics. vol.12, no.1, pp.346, 2011 .

55 . Zhongzhi Shi . Foundations of Intelligence Science . International Journal of Intelligence Science,vol.1, no.1, pp.8-16, 2011 .

56 . Zhongzhi Shi, Xiaofeng Wang . A Mind Model CAM in Intelligence Science . International Journal of Advanced Intelligence, vol.3, no.1, pp.119-129, 2011 .

57 . Zhuang Fuzhen, Luo Ping, Xiong Hui, He Qing, Xiong Yuhong, Shi Zhongzhi . Exploiting associations between word clusters and document classes for cross-domain text categorization . Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, vol.4, no.1, pp.100-114, 2011 .

58 . 陈立民, 王竹晓, 史忠植. . 基于动态描述逻辑的Web服务自动组合技术 . 高技术通讯, vol.21, no.1, pp.58-64, 2011 .

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