

报告题目:3D Face Modeling in Recognition Perspective



报告摘要:The face reveals a lot of information of humans, for example, identity, race, gender, age, emotion, intention, and health. 3D face models are thus widely studied in many disciplines. Yet, acquisition of 3D faces is still much more expensive and less convenient than acquisition of 2D face images, making it unfeasible to deploy 3D face technology in many real-world applications. Our research aims to reconstruct 3D face shapes from either single or multiple 2D face images from a perspective of identity recognition. This talk will introduce our recent progress along this direction. The methods we propose enable not only efficient generation of 3D face models when only 2D imaging devices are available, but also effective exploration of 3D face information for improving face recognition accuracy. We believe that 3D faces will play increasingly important roles in many applications with the rapid development of both 3D face acquisition techniques and 3D face modeling methods.

报告人简介:Qijun Zhao is currently an associate professor in the College of Computer Science at Sichuan University. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science both from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He worked as a post-doc research fellow in the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Lab at Michigan State University from 2010 to 2012. His recent research interests lie in 3D face modeling and recognition, with applications to forensics, intelligent video surveillance, mobile security, healthcare, and human-computer interactions. Dr. Zhao has published more than 60 papers in academic conferences and journals, including CVPR, ECCV, AAAI, ICB, IEEE Trans. and PR. He is the principal investigator for two projects funded by NSFC, one project funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and many projects funded by companies. Dr. Zhao is a reviewer for many renowned field journals and conferences, such as IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TIFS, IJCV, PR, PRL, ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, and ICPR. He served as a program committee co-chair in organizing the 11th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR2016) and the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), and as a face recognition area co-chair for the 9th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2018).